4. Grading

Be sure to view the Grading Calendars to see when report cards and interims are due. These calendars are subject to change, so be sure to check them frequently throughout the school year. Locate this page directly by going to Inside Red Clay > Departments > Teaching and Learning > Grading > the first section is for Grading Calendars. 

Teachers in grades K through 3 use Standards Based Grading procedures to align instruction to standards and assess students. Teachers use the Progress Book application through Data Service Center (DSC) to keep track of grades, interims, and report cards.

Reminder - Red Clay teachers use a 3 point grading scale, NOT a 4 point grading scale.

3-point grading scale

Teachers in grades 4 through 12 follow traditional grading procedures and use the eSchoolPLUS application through ClassLink to keep track of grades, send interims, and report cards. Click here to view district grading procedures and policies. Locate this page directly by going to Inside Red Clay > Departments > Teaching and Learning > Grading > then scroll down to the Online Gradebook section. Below is a screenshot of important documents you should review.


eschool help documents


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