5. Google

Google also known as Google Workspace for Education is used by Red Clay because we have invested in Chromebooks in our district. Chromebooks and Google Workspace for Education are both Google products and therefore work best together. Google provides educators and students with unlimited storage in Google Drive. Users can store and share various files to the cloud and access them from any device at any time. All staff members and students have Google accounts in Red Clay.


How to sign in:

  • Go to Google.com and click the blue Sign in button in the top right corner.
  • Teachers log in with their Red Clay credentials.
  • Teachers can locate Google usernames and passwords for their students in Data Service Center (DSC).
    • Log into DSC > DSC Web Reports and Search > AD Accounts by Course > Choose your name and class > Click Active Directory Listing

Where to locate Google:

  • Sign into your Google account at Google.com. Click the waffle button waffle in the top right corner to view the Google applications like Drive and Documents.


More information:

  • Students will use their Red Clay Google credentials to log into their district issued Chromebook. Students' usernames are s.firstname.lastname@redclay.k12.de.us
  • All Google Workspace for Education users receive unlimited Google Drive storage. Access your files in Google Drive from anywhere.
  • Students in grades 6-12 have access to their @redclay.k12.de.us Gmail accounts. Students in grades K-5 do not have access to Gmail. Students in grades 6-8 can only email within the Red Clay Google Domain. Students in grades 9-12 have full access to Gmail.
  • Google Classroom is turned off in Red Clay because we use Schoology as our districtwide learning management system.
  • Check out Google's Teacher Center to learn how to use the Google Workspace for Education applications.


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