Start here: What technology do we use in Red Clay?

What does technology usage look like in our district?

  • Students in Red Clay use Chromebooks in Kindergarten through grade 12. Each student is assigned their own Chromebook in grades 2-12. Students in grades 4-12 are able to take devices home each evening in order to complete homework. Students in grades K-3 use Chromebooks that are stored in the classroom in a cart or a cabinet and these devices are not taken home. Each Chromebook in Kindergarten and 1st grade are shared by 2 students.
  • A Chromebook is a laptop that runs the Chrome operating system and the Chrome Browser. Most of the applications and data reside in the cloud rather than on the machine itself like a typical PC or Mac. 
  • Each teacher's classroom is outfitted with a teacher computer/laptop, teacher phone, and a Smartboard (types vary).
  • Each school also has an instructional technology lead teacher or Instructional Technology Champion that helps to support teachers with instructional technology usage. Teachers should ask their principals to help locate this person.


Why do we use technology in Red Clay?

  • Using technology allows teachers to build students' 21st Century Skills. These skills will prepare students for jobs and careers of the future. Click here to learn more about 21st Century Skills and their importance.
  • Teachers are able to create standards-based, authentic, engaging, and rigorous tasks for their students to complete.
  • Teachers are able to better personalize learning for their students based on student needs and interests.
  • Students are able to make choices, share in decision making, collaborate with classmates, and show their knowledge in various ways, which creates a student-centered classroom environment.
  • Teachers can maximize their instructional time and face-to-face time with students.
  • Students are able to accomplish tasks that were once impossible before technology was available in the classroom.


How do teachers use technology to enhance and transform their instruction?

  • Teachers in Red Clay use Blended Learning Strategies when using technology to enhance and transform their instruction. 
  • We use the blended learning definition from the Christensen Institute:
    • Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns:
      • at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace;
      • at least in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home;
      • and the modalities along each student’s learning path within a course or subject are connected to provide an integrated learning experience.
  • There are many blended learning models. Most teachers in Red Clay leverage the station rotation, flipped classroom, and In-Class Flip models. Click the links to view a video about each model.
  • Watch the video below to learn more about Blended Learning:   


What tools do teachers use to accomplish their blended learning goals?

  • Teachers use various district approved websites and tools in order to achieve their blended learning goals. Click here and check out our instructional technology help center to learn about some of these tools.


Watch the video below in order to see real examples of how teachers and students use technology in Red Clay:



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