Student Usernames and Passwords for Google

Students will log into their Chromebook and ClassLink using their Red Clay Google Account credentials.

Teachers can locate this information to help students and families log in to their Chromebook and ClassLink.

*DSC Web Reports & Search: Search for class rosters and student credentials for logging into Google and Schoology.


Teachers can locate student Google usernames and passwords in Data Service Center.

  1. Log in to Data Service Center through ClassLink.
  2. Click *DSC Web Reports & Search
  3. Click AD Accounts By Course, Homeroom, or School
  4. Locate the Google Email (which is the Google username that is used for sign in) and Google Password list for your students.
    • All student usernames begin with "s." and are followed by
    • Be sure to double check usernames for students with hyphenated last names.

Please note: The default password for students is their student ID number, unless password was changed. If the student default password does not work, contact your school librarian as he or she can reset the password for the student.