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Kindness Day at Skyline Middle School
In collaboration with Goldey-Beacom College and Goldey-Beacom Athletics, Skyline Middle School celebrated its 2nd Annual Kindness Day event. We proudly announce that over 125 students participated in today's Act of Kindness event at Skyline Middle School, where they worked alongside Goldey-Beacom staff and students. Together, the Jaguars helped weave sleeping mats for people experiencing homelessness, created and filled treat bags for children at Nemours Children's Hospital and helped to prepare peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the Sunday Breakfast Mission.
Initially, Goldey-Beacom College partnered with the Skyline Middle School AVID students in January 2022. The partnership has evolved over the past two years to include activities outside of the classroom.
Additionally, Kindness Day included an opportunity for our Jaguars to compete against student-athletes from Goldey-Beacom athletics in basketball, cornhole, and a dance competition. In addition to the games, Dr. Brown provided a drum circle for the Jaguars to share a rhythm and get "in-tune" with each other and themselves. Skyline's administration, including Mrs. Travalini-Rubini and Mrs. Bulla, would like to thank Goldey-Beacom's President, Ms Colleen Keith, Vice President, Mr. Chuck Hammond, Ms. Beth Kirker, Mr. Jeff Thurley, Mr. Jeremy Benoit and all of the staff, students, student-athletes and athletic teams for making today possible for all of the students at Skyline Middle School.