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Daily Announcements 2024-2025
Reminder: Dress Code is in effect and the only sweatpants permitted are HB sweatpants. Shoes must have a closed back, no slipper styles or flip-flops are permitted. Cell Phones must be off and away, either in a student's locker or in their backpack while in school. Students are reminded that any notes must be brought to the office first thing in the morning.
Car Line Dismissal: Students are reminded that they should only walk as far as the sidewalk takes them. No student should walk past the trash/recycling receptacles located near the loading dock to enter a parent's car.
All students have received their ID badges and are required to wear them at all times.
Students must bring any Early Dismissal Notes to the office after morning announcements.
**The PTA meeting has been rescheduled for Tues., Jan. 28 at 7pm.**
At HB we have a large group of students who are considered Multilingual Learners, meaning they are developing proficiency in more than one language. These hardworking students often do not receive recognition for their achievements. In February, they will take an annual assessment called the WIDA Access Test, which measures their proficiency in English. We would like to honor and celebrate their hard work by offering incentives during the testing period. If you are able to help, please go to this link for more information: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A44ACAE2AA7FD0-54371465-multilingual#/ We are asking for gift cards worth $20 and you may send them to the Main Office by Mon., Feb. 3. Thank you!
Yearbook: Students who are interested in submitting original artwork to be considered for the front and back covers of the yearbook should see Mr. Wilson, Room# 127, for a submission form. Forms and artwork are due to Mr. Wilson no later than Fri., Feb. 21.
Musical: Backstage crew applications must be returned to Ms. Stehlik, Room #219, no later than tomorrow, Wed., Jan. 22.
FCCLA:The FCCLA Club dominated at the State Conference on Wednesday! Five teams were awarded gold medals, four teams were awarded silver medals and one team was awarded bronze medals. Great job!!
Project Soapbox: Congratulations to the following students for representing HBMS at the district competition: Arya A., Gideon B., Anicha D., Abigail H., Lucy K., Gus S., Joshua S., Vidhi V., Tab W. and Quinn W. Arya, Lucy, Tab and Vidhi were invited to compete at the state level in three weeks at the University of Delaware. Good luck and way to represent HB!
NJHS: All National Jr. Honor Society members should check their email for messages about volunteer opportunities from Ms. Daneker throughout the month of January.
7th grade girls are invited to join the Ice Skating Field Trip for an exciting day of skating, music and fun on Thursday, Feb. 13. The cost is $25.00 and students should see Ms. King for more information and permission slips. Completed permission slips and payment are due to Ms. King by Jan. 31. Don't miss out!
8th Grade Families: The PTA is hosting the 8th grade Winter Ball on Fri., Jan. 31 from 7-9pm in the cafeteria. Students are encouraged to dress to impress (encouraged, not required). We are in need of chaperones, donations of light refreshments, candy and gift cards. For more details, please go to this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C4FA5AC2DA4FA7-54394250-winter and as always, thank you for your support! If you have any questions, please email Frankie Kutsch at fkutsch1270@gmail/.com.
Tryouts for Spring Sports will begin the week of March 3rd for the following sports: Baseball, Softball, Girls Lacrosse and Boys Lacrosse, Track and Field (coed) and Boys Volleyball. All students must have submitted the online DIAA pre-participation physical (CLICK HERE) and completed the After-School Activity Form (click here for Activity Form) before they will be permitted to attend tryouts. Schedules and additional information will be shared during Morning Announcements later this month and in February and on the HB Athletics Website (click here for Athletics website).