• Inclement Weather Learning Resources

    Explore these activities for students to complete during inclement weather days due to school closures. Some activities require student technology while others do not.

Resources for Online Learning

  • Grades K–2

  • Grades 3–5

  • Grades 6–12

  • Additional Online Learning Activities

Activities for Students in the Early Years Program (Infant/Toddler & Ages 3-5)

Non-Tech Learning Activities

    • Mathematics: K - 2 Snowy Numbers Adventure
    • Reading: After reading a fiction text, complete a graphic organizer. Sample Graphic Organizer: Beginning-Middle-End graphic organizer (elementary)
    • Reading: After reading a nonfiction text, complete a graphic organizer. Sample Graphic Organizer: KWL graphic organizer (elementary)
    • Social Studies and Reading: Read a picture or chapter book about a famous person or event and find a primary source describing your reading. 
    • Social Studies: Interview a family member about what it was like when they went to school. Write questions to ask them about their school experience and create a Venn Diagram about the similarities and differences between students today and in the past.
    • Physical Education: Take a walk outside, or Google a kid-friendly workout to do indoors.
    • Art: Draw any three objects from observation (still life) or draw what you see outside your window (landscape) from observation. Incorporate any two elements of art (line, shape, space, value, form, texture or color).
    • Music: If you play an instrument (grades 4-12), practice for at least twenty minutes.
    • Music: Listen to music that you enjoy. Think about what inspires you about that music. How does the music make you feel and why? Or - watch a musical and talk to a family member, caregiver, or friend afterwards. How did the music inspire you? How was the music used to enhance the storyline?  What did you enjoy most and why?