- Henry B. du Pont Middle School
- HB duPont Dress Code
HB duPont Dress Code Policy
HB du Pont Middle School students are expected to dress and be groomed in such a way as to not distract or cause disruption in the educational program or orderly operation of the school. To maintain an educational environment that is safe and conducive to the educational process, students in all grades will wear the approved school dress code. HB du Pont Middle School and the HB du Pont PTA believe that reasonable regulation of school attire can further important educational interests, including the following:
- reducing distractions and loss of self-esteem caused by teasing or competition over clothing
- minimizing disruptions from wearing inappropriate clothing or possessing inappropriate items at school
- providing an environment where students can focus more on learning
- enhancing school safety
- reducing the cost of school clothing
- providing an educational environment where financial disparities between students, as reflected in clothing, are minimized, creating a greater sense of community and school pride among the students
- instilling discipline in students
- helping students and parents/legal guardians to avoid peer pressure
- helping prepare students for further roles in the workplace
- creating an atmosphere reflecting the seriousness and of the purpose of education
While it is inevitable that there will be differences of opinion as to the appropriateness of dress, grooming, and/or determining whether or not a student’s attire is disruptive or distracting to the educational environment of the school, the final determination will be made by the building administration. The Dress Code is in effect for students while attending school functions or school-sponsored activities on or off school property. Any student who does not comply with the dress code will be removed from the regular school setting until the student complies with this code. HB du Pont Middle School believes that school performance and future success are enhanced by appropriate dress and good grooming. Parents/guardians are strongly urged to work closely with the school to ensure students' adherence to these standards.
General Dress Code Information:
- No Hoodies are permitted
- HB du Pont Middle School shirts (HB spirit wear, HB teams, HB Sports, etc.)
- Polo style shirt (any solid color) with no logo
- Students must wear a polo shirt or HB shirt underneath their HB Fleece, HB Jacket, HB sweatshirt, etc.
- Dockers/uniform style pants (blue, black, or brown/tan only) or corduroy pants (blue, black, or brown only). No demin. No skinnies. No ‘rips’.
- “Reasonable length” shorts will be considered acceptable to wear if they are dockers/uniform style (blue, black, or brown/tan only)
- Only Non-Hooded HB du Pont Middle School sweatshirts may be worn. Students are allowed to wear a solid colored sweater, sweatshirt, or cardigan.
- On PE days, dress code clothing appropriate to physical activity is required. Sneakers are required.
- Any article of clothing with rips, tears, or writing on it is unacceptable.
Girls have an additional option of wearing dresses and skirts.
- Dresses and skirts (blue, black, or brown/tan only) must be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee (both front and back).
- No denim skirts are allowed. No overly tight skirts are allowed.
- Slits in the skirt are to be no higher than 2 inches above the hem.
- Slits on long skirts/dresses may not extend above the knee.
Additional Safety/Clarifying Comments:
- Clothing must be a solid color and must be in good condition. For example, the hem at the bottom of pants may not be cut or torn.
- Appropriate and safe footwear must be worn at all times. Shoes must have a "closed back" for safety reasons. House slippers and flip-flops are not appropriate in school or at school functions.
- Hats, headbands, head coverings and ear coverings are not to be worn in the building during school hours.
- Any garment deemed inappropriately tight, short, or revealing is prohibited. For example, polo shirts must fit so that they can be easily buttoned. Any attire that is disruptive to the educational process is prohibited. Attire that is unsafe, unhealthy, offensive to generally accepted standards, or obscene is not to be worn. Decals, slogans, or pictures that contain references to illegal substances (i.e. e. alcohol, drugs, etc.) or immoral behavior are not allowed.
- Accessories such as obtrusive jewelry, dangling scarves, and large belts are not permitted.
- Pants worn in a “Sag and Drag” fashion (pants worn below the waist to the extent that the underwear and/or skin is/could be exposed) are not permitted in school or at school functions.
- Polo-style shirts must always be worn under sweatshirts.
- An additional layer of solid colored clothing such as turtlenecks or long sleeve thermals may be worn under the polo-style shirt for warmth.
- Team uniforms are appropriate to wear on game day only. Sleeveless uniforms (like basketball, track, etc.) must have a clean, solid white T-shirt underneath.
- The volleyball matching sweat-suits, the girls field hockey track suits, the wrestling sweatshirts, etc. are allowed to be worn at any time provided they are worn in an acceptable manner (pants on the waist and not rolled down, pants are not rolled up, tops are not cut or altered, etc.)
- The HB Robotics team polo, HB band T-shirts, HB choral T-shirts, etc. are all approved. T-shirts should not be altered in any way, tied at the bottom, wrapped in the back, or have any writing on them. They should be clean and worn with dress-code approved pants. T-shirts worn inappropriately (as described above) will be considered a violation of the dress code and subject to disciplinary action.
- Solid color, long sleeve, V-neck or crewneck sweaters are permitted to be worn only with a solid colored polo underneath. A dress code approved polo must be worn underneath. Like the polo, the sweater must be solid in color.
Items not specifically covered in the above list of dress code regulations will be at the complete discretion of building administration to approve.
Spirit Wear
Please Note:
- All items are custom ordered.
- All orders are processed together once the order period closes.
- The customer may choose a different size, color or a refund if the item becomes back ordered or out of stock while the store is open.
- Allow approximately 4 weeks from the date the store closes for your order to be ready. The store closes at midnight the day the order period ends.
- Returns only for damaged items and incorrect sizing. Incorrect sizing returns cannot be worn or washed.
- All returns need to be completed within 14 days of the delivery date.
- Items will be delivered to HB du Pont Middle School and distributed at lunch by the Grade Level Administrator.
If you have questions about orders or returns, please contact info@tyrantusa.com
(833) 897-2681