- William F. Cooke, Jr. Elementary School
- Nurse Info
Karen Nestor, MSN, RN CPN
Office phone: 302-235-6606
Confidential fax: 302-996-1226
Email: Karen.nestor@redclay.k12.de.us
Welcome to the Cooke Elementary School Nurse web page. The school nurse supports the school community by providing direct care for any students with an acute illness, assessing injuries and developing individual health plans for students with a chronic illness or health concern. The school nurse also works to ensure the safety and health of the school community through health screenings, health education and promotion of a healthy school environment. Please see below for more details.
Health Screenings
Each year students in Kindergarten, Second Grade and Fourth Grade will have their vision and hearing screened. A letter will be sent home for any student whom does not pass the initial screening with further information. All Fifth Grade students will undergo postural screening for scoliosis. A letter will be sent home for any student whom does not pass the initial screenings. Theses student will then have an evaluation by a Physical Therapist from the Nemours Children’s Hospital in school.
Health Information Required for School Entry
According to Delaware laws and regulations, all children entering elementary school for the first time are required to have proof on file of the following:
- 5 or more doses of DTaP or DTP Td vaccine (unless 4th dose was given after the 4th birthday)
- 4 doses of IPV or OPV (unless the 3rd dose was given after the 4th birthday)
- 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine
- 2 doses of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine
- 2 doses of Varicella or a written disease history by a licensed healthcare provider
Health Examination
- Current, within the two years prior to school entry
- Results of Mantoux or risk assessment completed within 12 months prior to school entry
Lead blood test results
- Documentation of test for children entering kindergarten or pre-school program (60 days from enrollment)
Health Documents:
Delaware Student Health Physical
Tuberculosis Questionnaire
News from the Nurse
Cold and Flu season is upon us! Remember WASHING YOUR HANDS is the number one way to prevent the spread of germs. Always wash your hands before eating, after using the bathroom and coming in contact with anyone whom is coughing or sneezing. It is best to wash your hands with soap and water, but you can also use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available.
Feminine hygiene products are available in the following bathrooms:
- Nurse’s Office
- Blue Hallway Girls Bathroom