
  • Welcome to the Conrad Schools of Science High School Counseling Page! 

    School Counseling program Mission Statements 

    The mission of the Conrad Schools of Science Counseling Program is to provide a comprehensive counseling program that aligns with ASCA standards. Our program will promote lifelong learners, academic achievement and overall social/emotional wellness. Through a partnership with staff, parents, and community stakeholders, we will remove barriers to provide equal access for all students to ensure that students are college and career ready. Conrad graduates will be productive citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse world.


    School Counseling Program Vision Statement

    All students from Conrad Schools of Science will be prepared to be college and career ready. Students are prepared to meet the challenges of the evolving 21st century. They achieve their fullest potential and use their acquired knowledge in the science and medical pathways to become lifelong learners, leaders, and productive citizens.

     High School Counseling Staff:

    Matthew Brainard, Department Chair of School Counseling / Matthew.Brainard@redclay.k12.de.us / Serves Students in Grades 9–12, Last Names A-L                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    Kirsten Coughlin, High School Counselor / kirsten.coughlin@redclay.k12.de.us / Serves Students in Grades 9-12, Last Names M-Z                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


     How to make an appointment with your high school counselor:

    If a parent/guardian would like to schedule an appointment with their student's school counselor you can set that up by either emailing or calling your child’s school counselor.  Students can meet with their school counselor on an as-needed, ongoing basis throughout the year to discuss social, academic, and personal concerns.  Students should email their assigned school counselor to set-up a meeting. 

    How high school counselors contact students:

    Counselors will disseminate all information and resources to students through their graduating class Schoology group.  It is imperative that students regularly monitor their group to ensure they do not miss appointments, resources, and important dates.  Families can gain access to their student’s Schoology account by clicking the link below and following the directions provided.


    Technology Support for Families

    Schoology Assistance for Families