Richardson Park's Uniform Dress Code Policy

    The appearance of all students should reflect pride and respect for self and for school. Hair should be neat, clean, and well groomed. Appropriate clothing is an important consideration for health, safety, and public appearance. All Richardson Park Elementary School students are required to conform to our school’s Uniform Dress Code which was unanimously approved by the Red Clay Board of Education in March 2003.
    Red, White, Navy Blue, or Light Blue Shirt
    Shirts must have collars and sleeves.
    Acceptable shirts include turtlenecks, polo shirts, and button-down shirts.
    Denim is not permitted. Any items with designs or writing are not permitted.

    Navy Blue or Khaki Bottoms
    Long pants, walking shorts, skirts, skorts, or jumpers are all acceptable.
    The length of walking shorts, skirts, skorts, or jumpers should be to the knee.
    Belts should be worn with clothing that has belt loops.  Oversized or disruptive belts are not allowed.
    Sweatpants and denim are NOT permitted.

    In cold weather, pullovers, hoodies, sweaters, or a Richardson Park sweatshirt may be worn over the uniform shirt.  These items must be an appropriate uniform color (red, white, navy blue, or light blue).  Any items with designs or writing are not permitted. Hoods are not to be worn while indoors.
    If students do not comply, they will be asked to remove their hoodie. If they refuse, the student advisor should be called to discuss the code of conduct with the student. 
    Shoes must be enclosed.  Sneakers may also be worn.  Sneakers which are excessively distracting or have lights are NOT allowed. Sneakers should be worn on gym days. You can let parents know to provide a change of footwear if the student arrives in rain or snow boots.

    Leg Wear/Socks
    White, navy blue, or black socks, tights, and leggings are acceptable. Leggings are not part of the dress code unless worn as tights under a dress or a skirt.

    Any earring should be smaller than a quarter in size. Oversized earrings are not allowed and students will be asked to remove them.
     Fanny packs and book bags are not part of the dress code and are not permitted to be worn during the day.
     *Additionally, any clothing or other items which are disruptive to the educational process or violate the RCCSD dress code are not allowed.
