Grade-Specific Assessment Information


Delaware System of Student Assessment (DESSA)

  • Smarter testing is given in reading and mathematics for students in grades 3-8 during the spring. DeSSA is given in science (grades 5, 8, and High School Biology) and social studies (grades 4, 7, 11). Grade 11 students take SAT during the school-day as their state test. DCAS Alt-1 remains the alternative test for students with severe cognitive disabilities. English learners take ACCESS (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State) until demonstrating proficiency in English. In addition, in Red Clay students in grades 8, 9, and 10 take the PSAT. Red Clay is committed to secure test administration; parents with any concerns about appropriate testing practices should notify the building administrator.


    Test windows for state and national tests in the 2020-2021 school year:

    October 27

    SENIOR SAT (optional)

    October  29


    January 5 – March 19
    (school dates vary)

    NAEP (grades 4,8)

    February 3 - March 20  

    ACCESS (for English Language Learners)

    March 24

    SAT School Day (grade 11)

    PSAT (grade 10)

    PSAT (grades 8 & 9)

    March 29 - May 21
    (school dates vary)

    DeSSA ELA & Math  (Smarter; grades 3-8)
    DeSSA Science (grades 5,8, Biology)
    DeSSA Social Studies (grades 4, 7, 11)




DESSA Family Resources