• Welcome to Stanton Middle School!  We are proud to be the beating heart of our community. As the principal, I am thrilled to lead a school that serves as a hub for collaboration between students, staff, and families. To be able to provide a challenging, safe, and nurturing environment requires all of us, a village. I hope that we can continue to work together to foster a sense of belonging for all our students and families. Here at Stanton, we believe that "Education will change your life" and we strive to provide the best education for our students so that they can change and shape their lives to match their dreams.







    Matthew Robinson, M.Ed. 


    Stanton Middle School
    1800 Limestone Rd, Wilmington, DE 19804 


    o: (302) 992-5540  

    f: (302) 992-5586 

    e: matthew.robinson@redclay.k12.de.us  


    Red Clay Consolidated School District