Highlander FAQs

  • Here are the top questions you may have about being a Highlander.


    1)  I'm new to the state and/or district.  What should I do to get registered for school?

    Visit the Red Clay Consolidated School District's website about registration by clicking here.


    2)  Is there a time my parents and I could come to visit prior to the start of school?

    All new students (any grade) are welcome to attend our Highlander Hospitality Night (8/21).  Here you'll meet some of your teachers, can get a copy of your schedule, walk around the building, practice the route to your classes, and hear more about your new school. Returning students, please contact the main office at (302) 992-5520 to schedule an appointment.


    3)  What do I need to bring on the first day of school?

    Bring a pen/pencil, some notebook paper, and a binder where you can store papers you receive.  


    4) How do I dress for school?

    Click here or from the home page, click on Student Resources --> Dress Code.


    5) How can I get a locker? 

    Students may sign up for lockers outside of room B22. Students must provide their OWN LOCK. 


    6) When can I get my Chromebook?

    Chromebooks will be issued in your classes during the first week of school. Print and complete the user agreement here. Imprima y complete el acuerdo de uruario aqui

    For make an appointment to meet with someone regarding your chromebook and/or any issues, complete this form 

    7)  I'm interested in playing sports for McKean.

    Visit http://www.highlanderssports.com/  Also, find out about when you can get a free sports physical exam by visiting our School-Based Wellness Center


    8)  What's the daily school schedule?  How do the A/B days work?

    Click here for the daily bell schedule or the A/B calendar or from the home page, click on Student Resources.


    9)  Can I buy some McKean clothes or gear?

    Click here or from the home page, click on Student Resources --> Buy McKean Gear.


    10) I'm interested in joining the band or chorus.

    Email the band director:  kevin.reeves@redclay.k12.de.us

    Email the choral director:  chrystal.haas@redclay.k12.de.us