RCPAC - Red Clay Parent Advisory Council


    Red Clay Consolidated School District supports the involvement of parents and community members as active participants in the school improvement process.  Through regularly scheduled meetings, the Red Clay Parent Advisory Council (RCPAC) facilitates discussions that focus on topics important to parents and students. Each Red Clay school has at least 2 parent representatives. In addition, all in the Red Clay community are welcome to attend monthly meetings including Red Clay staff and board members.  RCPAC operates with an executive board that includes the offices of president, vice-president and secretary. Sub-committee chairs are appointed as needed to implement activities and events suggested by  RCPAC members.  Each month, RCPAC meets at schools across the district to provide opportunities for collaboration, training, and information sharing.  After each meeting, members are encouraged to share meeting notes with their school PTA, PTO, school administrators and other school support associations.

    For more information about RCPAC, please contact Ms. April Anderson, District Liaison for Special Populations & Family Engagement april.anderson@redclay.k12.de.us


  • RCPAC MEETINGS - Members Only, 6pm start time, In-Person