Board Policies
The school board establishes the policies, rules and regulations for the school district. They also employ the superintendent, who in turn administers those policies, rules and regulations, and oversees the day-to-day operation of Red Clay schools.
Series 1000 - Philosophy
1004 - Access to Public Records and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests
Policy 1004 Access to Public Records 06202018 -1-17-23.pdf 122.41 KB (Last Modified on January 17, 2023)
Series 2000 - Board Operations
2006 - Communications and Presentations to Board
Policy 2006 Communications and Presentations to the Board1.pdf 118.82 KB (Last Modified on October 18, 2018) -
2009 - Board-Superintendent
policy 2009 Board-Superintendent Relationship 3-16-23.pdf 126.08 KB (Last Modified on March 16, 2023)
Series 3000 - Administration
3002 - Superintendent Powers
policy 3002-Superintendent Powers and Duties 2-13-23.pdf 127.61 KB (Last Modified on February 13, 2023)
Series 4000 - Personnel
4004 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
RCCSD Drug and Alcohol- Free WorkplacePolicy November 20 2023.pdf 184.03 KB (Last Modified on November 20, 2023) -
4005.1 Sexual Harassment and Grievance Process
Red Clay Policy 4005.1 Sexual Harassment and Grievance Process 9-20-24.pdf 156.46 KB (Last Modified on September 20, 2024) -
4015 New Educator Orientation and Mentoring
_policy 4015-New Educator Orientation and Mentoring 3-28-23.pdf 116.1 KB (Last Modified on March 28, 2023) -
4021 Staff Conduct Electronic Communication and Social Media
Policy 4021 - Staff Conduct Electronic Communication and Social Media.pdf 167.16 KB (Last Modified on October 19, 2023)
Series 5000 - Operations
Series 6000 - Fiscal Management
Series 7000 - Instruction
7005-Options for Awarding Credit toward High School Graduation
7005-Options_for_Awarding_Credit_toward_High_School_Graduation.pdf 215.06 KB (Last Modified on June 22, 2016) -
7007-Instructional Programs for English Language Learners
Policy 7007-Instructional Programs for Multilingual Learners.pdf 119.84 KB (Last Modified on March 25, 2024) -
7011-Promotion, Retention, and Graduation
Policy 7011-Promotion-Retention-and Graduation 1312024.pdf 127.87 KB (Last Modified on March 25, 2024)
Series 8000 - Students
8002 Equal Educational Opportunities
Policy 8002- Equal Educational Opportunities 8-22-24.pdf 212.81 KB (Last Modified on August 23, 2024) -
8003 Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Policy 8003 Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness.docx.pdf 60.72 KB (Last Modified on February 12, 2021) -
8004 Educational Stability for Children Experiencing Foster Care.
_Policy 8004 Educational Stability for Children in Foster Care.docx.pdf 93.74 KB (Last Modified on March 18, 2021) -
8005 Transgender and Gender Diverse Students
Policy 8005 Transgender and Gender Diverse Students.pdf 104.83 KB (Last Modified on December 20, 2021)
Series 9000 - School-Community Relations
9003-Gifts and Donations from the Public
Policy 9003-Gifts and Donations from the Public 9-20-24.pdf 145.59 KB (Last Modified on September 20, 2024) -
9005 Student Representation to the School Board
_Policy Student Representation on the School Board .docx.pdf 78.49 KB (Last Modified on December 18, 2020)
The Board Policy Committee Reviewed all policies in the 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 series during the 2022-2023 school year.
To submit feedback on a policy under review:
Email feedback to Feedback received by 12 PM on the day of the Board Policy Review Committee meeting will be summarized and presented to the Board Policy Review Committee for discussion.
Voice feedback during the public hearing portion of the next Board Policy Review Committee meeting.
Voice feedback during the public hearing portion of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.