• The school board establishes the policies, rules and regulations for the school district. They also employ the superintendent, who in turn administers those policies, rules and regulations, and oversees the day-to-day operation of Red Clay schools.

Series 1000 - Philosophy

Series 2000 - Board Operations

Series 3000 - Administration

Series 4000 - Personnel

Series 5000 - Operations

Series 6000 - Fiscal Management

Series 7000 - Instruction

Series 8000 - Students

Series 9000 - School-Community Relations

  • Physical Restraint

    School Choice

    To submit feedback on a policy under review:

    Email feedback to boardpolicy@redclay.k12.de.us. Feedback received by 12 PM noon on the day of the Board Policy Review Committee meeting will be summarized and presented to the Board Policy Review Committee for discussion.
    Voice feedback during the public hearing portion of the next Board Policy Review Committee meeting.
    Voice feedback during the public hearing portion of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.