Special Programs and Services

  • Student Services supports all schools with the implementation of special education services including our Special Programs: Autism Services, Early Years Program, First State School, Meadowood Program and Project Search.

    Autism Services

    • Autism Services support students on the Autism spectrum with a continuum of services. Service options range from itinerant support to autism support classrooms at specific building sites. 

    Early Years Program

    • The Early Years Program (EYP) services Red Clay children and families of preschool age.  EYP's classrooms serve children with identified disabilities and peers from the community. EYP services are hosted at the Early Learning Center, Lewis Elementary (1 classroom of 4-year-olds), Richardson Park Elementary, and Warner Elementary. EYP also houses Red Clay's Child Find Program. Child Find staff works with parents and child care centers in the Red Clay community to screen and evaluate children for potential developmental delays.  

    First State School

    • First State School gives children and adolescents who would otherwise be homebound with serious illnesses the chance to attend school with their peers while they get the medical treatment they need. Located at Wilmington Hospital, First State School offers kindergarten through high school education to children with diabetes, sickle-cell anemia, severe asthma, cancer, and other illnesses that preclude attendance at regular school.

    Meadowood Program

    • The Meadowood Program’s goal is to provide students with the skills and instruction necessary to live as independent, successful adults to the best of their ability. Individual needs are assessed to develop an appropriate educational program to meet the goal of student independence.

    Project Search

    • Our partners in Project SEARCH are POW&R (Productive Opportunities for Work & Recreation), CIS (Community Integrated Services), Red Clay Consolidated School District, and the State of Delaware’s  Department of Education and Department of Labor, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. For more information, see the Christiana Care Project Search website