• Mrs. Donna O’Connor MSN, RN, NCSN  School Nurse

    Nurse's Office Telephone: 302-992-5537 or 302-992-5535 ext 760828

    Nurse's Office Fax Number:302- 996-1226

    E-Mail: donnal.oconnor@redclay.k12.de.us

    Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year

    Office Hours: 8:45 AM to 3:50 PM Daily



    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I'm excited to start my 17th year as a school nurse in Red Clay. Here are some updates to start the new school year:

    • New Students/Kindergarten Students: New students need to submit a current physical with a list of immunizations. Kindergarten students need documentation of obtaining a blood level test. If your student has missing documents, I will be sending a letter home in the next few weeks listing what is still needed.


    • Vision/Hear/ Scoliosis Checks: Vision and hearing screenings for kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grades will be done the week of 12/12/24. Anyone failing either will have a letter sent home with specifics. If it is vision, there will be a permission slip for your student to be seen by an eye doctor with Vision To Learn, a mobile van that comes to school. Your student will be able to select frames for a free pair of glasses. Scoliosis checks for 5th graders will be done before the holiday break. This involves examining each student's back while bending over to look for abnormal curvature. This will be done in complete privacy one at a time in my office with all windows covered. If there is any abnormality seen, a letter will be sent home with details. 


    • Covid Guidelines: Covid guidelines for this school year are the same as for any respiratory illness. Keep your student home as long as there is a fever, and they may return once the fever is gone and symptoms are improving. There is no need to notify the school of a positive test.


    If you have any questions or concers, please contact me by phone: 302-992-5537 or by email: donnal.oconnor@redclay.k12.de.us




    A I duPont Hospital www.kidshealth.org/

    WebMD www.webmd.com/

    CHIPS (Delaware Childrens' Health Insurance Program)