Evan G. Shortlidge Academy is a school for kindergarten, first and second grade students. It is located next to Wilmington State Park, along the scenic Brandywine River. Our school was built in 1956 and enjoys a 65 year history of serving Wilmington's youngest learners.
School Stats
ChromeBooksFor Every Student
50 Highly Qualified Teachers
260Young Learners
12Fun Places to Learn
At Shortlidge, our students come first! All of our students recieve free breakfast and lunch at school. We offer a variety of programs that help students learn how to meet new friends, get along with others and become great Shortlidge citizens.
School Activities Before and After Care Fall Family Fun Night Winter Concert 100 Days Celebration Spring Concert Second Grade Moving Up Celebration
Our Building Our school was built in 1965. In 2015 it underwent a major renovation that included a new playground, gym, and auditorium. It has a computer lab, library, art and music room.
Supporting Our Students Shortlidge offers a variety of services to support students. We have a robust special education department to address student learning differences. School Psychologists and Social Workers are on staff to help students in crisis. Shortlidge is proud of our Positive Behavior Support program that helps promote good student behavior in a fun and exciting way.