

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Thompson

Hello Warner Families! My name is Kimberly Thompson and I teach ELL (English Language Learners). I help students who come from multi-language backgrounds improve their skills with the English Language in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This is my 7th year as an educator, my 3rd year teaching ELL, and my 3rd year at Warner. I have also taught PreK-3, Kindergarten, First, and Second grades both in Washington, DC and in Delaware. 
I grew up attending Red Clay schools all the way through high school when I graduated from A.I. duPont. I earned my Bachelors, Masters in Elementary Education, and my English for Speakers of Other Languages Graduate Certificate all from Wilmington University. 
I am also the Communications Lead for the building. I work with Dr. Newton and Mr. Pritchett to promote Warner on many different media platforms. I love engaging with the community and bringing attention to all of the amazing things we are accomplishing here at Warner. Go Thunderbirds! 
Contact Information:
302-651-2740 ext. 208