Red Clay Tip411

  • Use the Red Clay tips app or website to send anonymous tips to report bullying, drugs, threats, suspicious activity, and more to help keep your school safe. The tips are 100% anonymous. Technology removes all identifying information before administrators see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender. Once someone sends a tip, school officials receive it immediately and can respond back to create an anonymous two-way conversation. 

    How do I submit a tip?

    1. Send Anonymous Text Tips:
      • Send a text message to 847411, then type the unique keyword for your school. Add a space, type your tip info, and hit send. Find the keywords below.
        • AI du Pont High School - AIHS
        • Cab Calloway School - CCS
        • Conrad Schools of Science - CONRADSS
        • McKean High School - MCKEANHS
        • Red Clay Middle Schools - RCMS
        • Red Clay Elementary Schools - RCES
        • The John Dickinson School - DICKINSONHS
    2. Submit Anonymous Tips Using the Free Smartphone App:
    3. Submit a tip through the website:
Red Clay tip411 app