- Thomas McKean High School
- Early Childhood Education - Teacher Academy
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Early Childhood Education - Teacher Academy
Students in the Early Childhood Education pathway take full responsibility for running the L'il Highlander Preschool.
Are you interested in working with young children? If so, the McKean Early Childhood Program is for YOU! Our students become college and career ready while working in our Lil’ Highlanders Lab Preschool and learning about child development, college life, and career opportunities related to children. Our students and graduates are actively employed in several local child care centers, and many have gone on to further their educations in college, including DelTech, University of Delaware, LaSalle, Wilmington University, Del State, and Indiana University of Pennsylvania. They major in education, psychology, music education, pediatric medicine and dentistry, and social work. We also have an active FCCLA chapter, and compete at the state (winning gold) and national (winning silver) levels. McKean is the ONLY comprehensive high school in the state with a completely self-sustained lab school. Come be a part of the fun!
Preschool Application
If you are interested in having your preschooler attend the L'il Highlander Preschool please click the link below to download the application.
Quick Facts
What Am I Studying?
Coursework & College Credit
- Human Development
- Early Childhood Education Levels 2-4
- Seniors approved for Co-Op may work in a community preschool
- Completion of pathway earns 4-6 college credits in ECE at local colleges
- Certificates Offered:
- CPR/1st Aid
- Para Pro Certificate
- TECE 1 for Delaware Childcare Providers
- CDA National Childcare Certification
How am I involved?
- Student-run business: L'il Highlander Preschool
- Member of FCCLA
Where will it take me?
Entry-level Jobs
- Early Childhood Assistant
- Paraprofessional
Technical Jobs
- Preschool Teacher
Professional Careers
- Preschool Administrator
- Preschool Owner