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DeSSA (State Testing)

  • In the spring, Smarter testing is given in reading and mathematics for students in grades 3-8  DeSSA is given in science (grades 5, 8 and High School Biology) and Social Studies (grades 4, 7, 11).

    DeSSA Alt-1/ Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)  isthe alternative test for students with severe cognitive disabilities. English Language Learners take ACCESS until demonstrating proficiency in English.

    In addition, the state supports the administration of several college readiness tests: SAT (spring, grade 11) and PSAT (spring, grade 10). Red Clay students also take the PSAT (spring, grades 8 and 9). Red Clay will provide grade 11 students with optional PSAT testing in the fall to qualify for National Merit Scholarships.

Staff Resources

Smarter Practice & Released Items