- Joseph E. Johnson Jr. School
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Food Allergy Policy
Food Allergy Policy
Managing food allergies at school is a collaborative effort between students, families, schools, and healthcare providers. Please contact the school nurse at the beginning of the school year regarding your child's history of food allergy. We ask that you provide a Food Allergy Action Plan and prescribed medication to the school nurse at the start of school.
Health Requirements for School Entry
Health Exam
All students are required to have a health examination that has been administered by a healthcare provider. The health exam must have been done within two years prior to school entry.
ImmunizationsImmunizations are reviewed by the school nurse upon entry into the Delaware public school system. Students and parents will be notified if the immunizations are not up-to-date with state regulations. Children in Kindergarten are required to have 2 varicella vaccinations prior to entry.
Lead ScreeningChildren who enter school at kindergarten or at age 5 or prior, shall be required to provide documentation of lead screening. The school nurse shall document the lead screening within the student's electronic medical record.
TB regulationNew school enterers shall provide tuberculosis screening results from either a Tuberculosis Test or the results of a Tuberculosis Risk Assessment administered within the past 12 months prior to school entry. If the new enterer is in compliance with the other school entry health requirements, a school nurse who is trained in the use of theDepartment of Education TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire for Students may administer the questionnaire to the student's parent, guardian, or Relative Caregiver.
Medical Forms
Asthma Action Plan
An asthma action plan should be provided to the school nurse at the start of each school year. It is important to keep a rescue inhaler in the prescription box in the nurse office. It will be administered by the school nurse in the event of asthma symptoms, including cough, wheeze, or shortness of breath. Please consult your child's healthcare provider if your child is using his or her rescue inhaler more than twice a week. A flu shot is recommended for children with a history of asthma prior to the start of the flu season.
Food Allergy Action PlanA Food Allergy Action Plan is required at the beginning of each school year for a known food allergy. The FAAP will be shared with the school cafeteria manager and needed personnel, including your child's homeroom teacher. Please provide the prescribed medication listed on the FAAP to the school nurse along with contact phone numbers for parents and guardians.
Health Examination FormA health examination is required within 2 years of school entry into the Delaware Public School System. A new form has been revised and the link is provided below to download the current form. You can also submit to the school nurse the Physical Exam form that your doctor uses in his or her practice. Please keep a copy of your child's PE for your own records also.
Seizure Action PlanA Seizure Action Plan and prescribed medications should be on file in the nurse office at the beginning of every school year.
TB Risk Assessment QuestionnaireIf the new school enterer is in compliance with the other school entry health requirements, a school nurse who is trained in the use of the Delaware Department of Education TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire for Students may administer the questionnaire to the student's parent, guardian, or Relative Caregiver.
Protocol for Various Health Conditions
Acute Gastroenteritis
Acute gastroenteritis is characterized by vomiting usually followed by frequent loose, watery stools and abdominal cramping. It is sometimes accompanied by a fever and symptoms last two to five days. The incubation period is 24 to 72 hours. The period of communicability is during the acute stage and for a short time thereafter while the infectious agent is being excreted. The protocol for responding to cases of acute gastroenteritis is as follows:
- If a student shows any signs or symptoms of vomiting (two or more times) and/or diarrhea (two or more loose stools requiring frequent trips to the bathroom), the child should be excluded from school in order to prevent the spread of disease to other students.
- When the child is symptom-free for 24 hours and has resumed a normal diet without recurrence of symptoms, he/she many return to school.
AllergyAllergies can be life-threatening and schools must minimize risks to provide a safe environment for students with allergies.
The Red Clay Consolidated School District has approved 2012 guidelines for managing food allergies in the school setting. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian of the allergic-student to notify the school nurse of all life-threatening allergies (food, bee sting, latex). An Allergy Action Plan should be on file for all students with life-threatening allergies at the beginning of each school year. All medication prescribed in the Allergy Action Plan should be provided by parents to the school nurse. Medications to treat allergic reactions will be administered at school as directed by the licensed healthcare provider on the Allergy Action Plan.
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) is an inflammation of the eye that is caused by a bacteria, virus, or allergies. If conjunctivitis is caused by a virus or bacteria, it is easily spread. The protocol for responding to cases of suspected conjunctivitis is as follows:
- Any student with symptoms of bacterial or viral conjunctivitis will be excluded from school until symptoms have resolved or the student has been treated for 24 hours.
FeverNormal body temperatures typically range from 97.6 to 99.6 degrees orally. However, temperatures can fluctuate during the day or with specific activities. Most references agree that an oral temperature greater than 100.0 degrees is a fever. Fevers are a symptom and the underlying cause of the fever should be determined. Most often fevers are caused by infections. The protocol for responding to cases of fever is as follows:
- Any student with a tempearture greater than 100.0 degrees will be excluded from school.
- Any student who is excluded from school due to a fever should have a temperature within the normal range (less than 100 degrees) for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication (tylenol, advil, etc) prior to returning to school.
ImpetigoImpetigo is a skin infection caused by either staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria. Impetigo is highly contagious and can spread quickly to other students. The protocol for responding to cases of suspected impetigo is as follows:
- Any child with a rash that appears to be impetigo will be excluded from school for 24 hours after treatment has begun to prevent the spread to other students.
- A doctor's note must be provided upon return to school.
Pediculosis (Head Lice)The school nurse supports and develops appropriate and consistent policies and procedures regarding head lice and the school-age child.
Responsibilities of the school nurse are as follows:
- To screen symptomatic student(s) and refer to parent for appropriate treatment
- To minimize school absences
- To educate parent and school community
Responsibilities of the parent/student are as follows:
- To provide timely and appropriate treatment to rid student's head of lice.
- To provide ongoing surveillance of student and other household contacts and treat appropriately.
- To communicate with the school nurse regarding treatment measures taken.
The protocol for responding to cases of pediculosis (head lice) is as folows:
- The school nurse will screen for head lice if the child complains of his/her head itching or is noted to be scratching head excessively.
- If upon examination no live lice or nits (eggs) are found, student returns to class.
- If nits are present but no live lice are evident, the parent will be contacted to inquire about recent treatment (if it occurred) and to recommend the removal of nits. The student will return to class.
- If live lice are present, the parent/guardian will be contacted and it will be recommended that the student be sent home as soon as possible (and no later than the end of the school day) for treatment.
- Treatment should commence promptly as to minimize school absence.
- The school nurse will determine if the student has been treated adequately and may attend classes upon return to school after treatment.
Tinea (Ringworm)Tinea (ringworm) is a very contagious fungal infection that requires medical treatment. Tinea can be found on the scalp, body, nails, genitals, and feet. The protocol for responding to suspected cases of Tinea is as follows:
- Any child with a rash that appears to be Tinea (ringworm) will be excluded from school until treatment has begun. The lesion must be covered until the school nurse determines that the treatment is effective.
- Any child with active Tinea lesions on the scalp will be excluded from school until treatment has begun and must provide a doctor's note to return to school.