Contact Us

    Director, Federal Programs and Alternative Operations
    Executive Secretary, Office of Federal Programs and Alternative Operations
    Specialist, Grant Support and Alternative Operations
    District Liaison, Special Populations & Family and Community Engagement
    Liaison, Private Schools

    District Services: Visiting Teachers

    Visiting Teacher
    Visiting Teacher
    Visiting Teacher
    Robert Smith
    Visiting Teacher
    Click here for VT assigned to you.

About Our Department

  • Federal Programs:

    Federal education programs are resources that are administered to states by the US Department of Education. These programs are designed to support the mission to be of quality assistance and support in many areas.

    The aid is spearheaded to strengthen the Federal commitment to assuring access to equal educational opportunity for every individual, and to supplement and complement the efforts of states, the local school systems, the private sector, public and private nonprofit educational research institutions, community-based organizations, parents, and students to improve the quality of education.

    The hope is that the funding will encourage the increased involvement of the public, parents, and students in Federal education programs and promote improvements in the quality and usefulness of education through federally supported research, evaluation, and sharing of information.

    The funding is spent on improving the coordination of Federal education programs, advancing the management of Federal education activities and to intensify the accountability of Federal education programs to the President, the Congress, and the public.

    These programs include but are not limited to resources, such as IDEA, Title I Part A, Title II Part A, Title III, Title IV, McKinney-Vento Homeless Program (under Title I), Carl D. Perkins Career & Technical Education Act; and many more. 

    Each year we submit the Consolidated Grant Application (CGA) to the Delaware Department of Education.

    Our office is the main point of contact for all things Title I.

    Other contacts for other Federal Programs are as follows:

    Title II & Title IV: Dr. Tawanda Bond, Senior Director of Teaching & Learning

    Title III: Carolina (Carol) Beck, Supervisor of English Learners (ML)

    Perkins: Louis (Lou) Mingione, Education Associate

    IDEA: Dr. Sarah Celestin, Senior Director of Student Services

    Alternative Operations:

    Red Clay is part of the New Castle County Consortium for alternative programming. We work with three programs:

    Positive CHANGE Academy, Parkway Academy and YEARRRN Academy.

    Click here for contact information for each program. 

    District Liaison for Special Populations:

    April Anderson is the District Liaison for Special Populations for the Red Clay Consolidated School District. April serves as the primary contact for both children in foster care and families experiencing homelessness. Through the coordination of multiple services, April ensures that all students enroll in school and have the opportunity to succeed academically.

    Understanding that every family has varied circumstances, April enjoys connecting with families to meet them where they are.  A Delaware native, April takes pride in graduating from Red Clay Schools and will always consider herself an “AI Tiger”. In her spare time she travels every opportunity she can and plans to hike across every US National Park. The motto she tries to live by is…”Leave people better than you found them.”

    Title I, Title II & Title IV Private School Liaison:

    Jim Campbell is the Private School Liaison for Title I, II, & IV Federal Programs. In this capacity, Jim coordinates with private schools within the boundaries of our district that wish to receive allocations from available federal programs. These programs help to pay for things like tutoring for elementary students, technology for the classroom, and professional development for teachers & staff. This requires him to maintain open channels of communication to ensure that private schools are receiving funds to help their students achieve, while at the same time staying in compliance with state and federal regulations. While policy and procedure may sound less fun than a root canal, Jim doesn’t find that to be the case at all. He draws on lessons learned from his twenty-five years of teaching experience and really enjoys the personal connections he makes with his contacts at the private schools he serves. What really does it for Jim though, is the sense of pride he gets in knowing that what he’s doing helps ensure that all students are getting the best education they can.  

    District Services (Dropout Prevention, Visiting Teachers):

    Red Clay utilizes our team of visiting teachers to provide support to our schools. Visiting teachers work to assist the buildings to be in compliance with the Delaware Code and Red Clay Policy related to attendance.  They are there to support and enhance the work done at the building level and to intervene in situations where building efforts fail to elicit and produce change in a student's daily attendance. 

Where We Are

  • Red Clay Administrative Offices
    1502 Spruce Avenue - Room 237
    Wilmington, Delaware 19805