Dedicated to excellence in education
End of the Second Marking Period
Teacher In-Service, Schools Closed
7:00 PM Board of Education Meeting
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Parent Teacher Conferences(Teacher In-Service, Schools Closed)
President's Day, Schools and Offices Closed
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Red Clay District Art Show
End of the Third Marking Period.
No School: Early Years Program
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Red Clay Career Fair
7:00 PM Honors Choir Night
9:00 AM All Jobs Career Fair
4th grade had a great time Visiting the First State Historical Park!
It was such a please to have Author Saadia Faruqi here at Baltz! The students had so much fun, and enjoyed listening to her story as well as asking her questions!